“We could feel her joy, her sense of privilege.” Mrs. Devorah Steinberg ignited two generations of British girls

By Riki Goldstein

Family Diary
“Thursday?” She sounded appalled. “What’s wrong with Monday or Tuesday? I’ll never survive until Thursday!”

By Shani Leiman

Friendship Fix
My friend is needy and negative. I don’t want to get sucked in

By Shoshana Itzkowitz

Family Tempo
This is the place I don’t want to be. Looking at some other women waiting in the hallways, I can tell I’m not alone in that sentiment

By Chana Perl

Rocking Horse
She has disobeyed a cardinal rule. Never interrupt in the middle of a poem. A poem must be savored, from beginning to end

By Leah Gebber

Outside Chance
"What’s there to explain? It’s embarrassing, it’s disappointing, it’s frustrating, concerning. That’s not enough?”

By Esther Kurtz

"Remember how much of our shopping used to be done in actual stores? You could touch the food, feel the fabric, you had to stand in line to pay”

By P. Diamond

There’s no emunah like that of a young child learning in cheder

By Faigy Peritzman

Story Time
"I will travel the region and become an apprentice, hire myself as a delivery man — whatever it takes!”

By Y. Bromberg

Words aren’t going to help me stand up again. Words aren’t going to let me move my aching muscles

By Rochel Samet

News In Depth
The faces and places behind Israel's annexation saga

By Gedalia Guttentag

If Only You Knew
"There’s a conception out there that policemen walk around shooting wantonly. In my experience and training, that’s hardly the truth"

By Chaya Inselburg

Washington Wrap
Is the US economy about to bounce back?

By Omri Nahmias

The Moment
With over 150 submissions, we had a hard time winnowing down the finalists

By Mishpacha Staff