Family First Feature
A stolen baby. A genetic test. A Teimani woman finds her family

By Malka Katz

On Topic
How we measure intelligence — and what it means

By Adina Lover

Family Matters

By Joan Zlotnick

I dare me
I’m due to give birth during the last days of Elul. And I’m determined not to let my husband miss his annual trip

By Elisheva Appel

Real Life
I was searching for my missing gown, and found something worth much more

By Rivka Streicher

This year I’m not looking for much at all, thank goodness. You know, just health, happiness, sustenance. The usual

By Yael Zoldan

“If we mess up with this lace,” Yocheved went on, “you know what a loss that will be. You don’t want that to come off your pay, do you?”

By Esty Heller

“We’re hosting a masquerade fundraiser in my café tomorrow evening, can you come? In costume, of course, isn’t that fun?"

By Rikki Ehrlich

Inside Israel
Yes, Israel might annex the Jordan Valley, but in an agreement with the Jordanians, Jerusalem might also give up rights to the peace islands

By Eliezer Shulman

All I Ask
It was a milestone, something to celebrate… but except for a slight flutter of excitement, he didn’t feel anything that he’d planned to feel

By Ruti Kepler

Text Messages
It’s miraculous, mesmerizing, and makes for a great story. But it’s not a kiddush Hashem

By Eytan Kobre

Second Thoughts
In a Jerusalem chareidi newspaper, I found the strangest classified section I have ever seen

By Rabbi Emanuel Feldman

It hovers around the room, this helplessness, this vulnerable, horrible loneliness that makes us all so human

By Gela Schwartz

The song has become a popular choice to express heartfelt wedding-day prayers

By Riki Goldstein