The Torah reveals to us the antidote to stubbornness

By Faigy Peritzman

Family Reflections
Sensitive children still need sensitivity to others

By Sarah Chana Radcliffe

Shabbos menuchah means resting from gashmiyus

By Mrs. Elana Moskowitz

Connect Two
Of all the WH questions, “who” has the most dimensions

By D. Himy, M.S. CCC-SLP and Zivia Reischer

Words Unspoken
And so, dear counselor, I have no idea what’s in his bag

By Anonymous

Magazine Feature
How do you know where it’s smart to cut costs, and where it’s wise to spend on top quality? Here, our room-to-room guide for smart spending on your renovation

By Yael Wiesner

Magazine Feature
Chani Schwarcz, a social worker at New York’s infamous Riker’s Island, can see beyond the prison walls, beyond the walls erected internally, to the spark of goodness within

By Malkie Schulman

Family Tempo
“Well, right now my job is to smile. Smiling like that for so long isn’t normal! When my shift is over my face hurts”

By Rachael Lavon

My dream was to turn my passion into a vocation by becoming a nurse. My parents, who were Holocaust survivors, discouraged me

By Elisheva Appel

The awe of witnessing any difficult task done well

By Yonoson Rosenblum

Point of View
Could Bircas Hamazon be the key to world peace?

By Rabbi Moshe Grylak zt"l

My not-so-subtle message — that I did not want to hear any more — got through. Everyone backed off. I gathered up Aviva and her paraphernalia

By Chani Muller

On the House
“I... how often are you thinking of hosting events like these? I mean, they’re wonderful, and they do bring in business, it’s just... whatever”

By Faigy Schonfeld

Center Stage
“Ha!” Atara bounced onto her bed, folding her legs underneath her. “I’m not dumb. Though maybe you are, deciding to try out for Mommy’s film”

By Gila Arnold