Teen Feature
“Personally, I feel everyone should be competing against themselves, not against each other"

By Sarah Einhorn

Movin on Up
"There is a great way to find answers to all these questions: simply asking my ideal customers what they thought!"

By Shaina Keren

My name is Tova. If you met me, you would never guess that there’s anything wrong

By Leah Greenburg

Teen Fiction
“Role models, my foot. This kid is obsessed, and somebody has to tell her to find friends her own age!”

By Chevy Kepecs

The Rainbow Girl
Maybe that’s the thing with family, they’re so close that it’s hard to see things clearly

By Rochel (Grunewald) Samet

Diary Serial
I’ve snagged an invite to her house. So what if it’s to study and do homework together? I know we’re both looking for a friend

By Malka Winner

Wow, I remember thinking. That’s so beautiful. She does that, like, every day?

By Yael Stolcz

Hit the Trail
Hashem has set out the blueprint for the ultimate Welfare State

By Rabbi Ephraim Schwartz

Impart the values of the past with the innovations of the present

By Rebbetzin Suri Gibber

Off the Couch
"There’s me before my morning double espresso and me afterward”

By Jacob L. Freedman MD

Jr. Feature
The strangest, oldest, and most crucial supplies for your education

By Leeba Leichtman

Win or Lose
It seemed strange but wonderful that this little boy, Yitzy Levinson, cared more about lonely old Mr. Greenbaum than he did about winning any prize

By Chaim Finkelstein