Business Casual
“Show hakaras hatov and treat them like family, because they do feed your family and financially support you”

By Sarah Massry

Software Savvy
People often assume these are two names for the same thing. Big mistake

By Esther Kurtz and Liora Waxman

Works for Me
“I’m known as a creative person, and am interested in marketing, but also think it might be more responsible to consider law”

By Shaina Keren

Family Tempo
I was an opera singer. Then Torah helped me find my voice

By Chani Leiser

Avi muttered something under his breath — Benny was pretty sure it featured “stupid Americans” with some other choice words

By Blimi Rabinowitz

Family First Serial
“Next time your Papa gets angry. Next time, you must use your mind to build a wall around yourself, one brick and another and another"

By Leah Gebber

Their obvious differences make chassidim the prime targets not only of street thugs, but also of the New York Times

By Yonoson Rosenblum

Unfortunately, Mommy learned that “washable” is up for debate

By Faigy Reuben

Words Unspoken
I closed my eyes and pictured the bassinet next to my bed and that the crying infant was my baby

By Anonymous