Tech Wire
TurboTax admits no wrongdoing in its site set-up or advertising, but will revise its advertising as well as refund 4.4 million filers

By Esther Kurtz

Job Search
A successful party planner must be creative, with an eye for detail and flair for design. He or she must also be very organized, patient, a good problem solver, and have excellent ...

By Gila Arnold

Words Unspoken
I see you yearning for a connection, and it breaks my heart, but I can’t provide it

By Anonymous

"Is all the Torah that’s being spread worth all the Torah that’s been lost due to social media usage?"

By Mishpacha Readers

Down to a Science
If Mimi’s teeth can just fall out, could my eyeball fall out? Could my arm fall off?

By Yael Zoldan

The Moment
They’re running to the beis medrash — it just has the form of a bus

By Shmuel Botnick and Yosef Herz

Teen Diary Serial
Every time I passed the Jewish school that had refused to take me in as a student, my heart would flutter

By Chaya Basra

The Moment

By Shmuel Botnick and Yosef Herz