Tech Wire
Here’s what you need to know about automations

By Esther Kurtz

Job Search
What does the job actually entail? Read on to find out whether this is the job for you

By Gila Arnold

Works for Me
What can you do to create a successful career in real estate?

By Shaina Keren

While American culture continues on the path of “silliness,” the future will belong to Chinese autocrats

By Yonoson Rosenblum

On your Mark
Jessica Tsur is an ambassador of connection to support women suffering from anxiety and depression

By Elisheva Appel

Out of the Woods
He hoped she remembered that the trip was overnight. Oh, well. Bracha could always remind her

By Rochel Samet

But then came 1944. And evil came between the five sisters and their future

By Leah Berger

Follow Me
Deena had no reason to feel awkward. And yet, Chana’s simplicity, her authenticity, made the idea of using this event as a business opportunity feel… wrong

By Esty Heller

An achuzah in Eretz Yisrael is a tremendous tikkun

By Faigy Peritzman