Her husband’s chest expanded as he filled it with air then deflated when he released it. “It’s your call, Leah. She’s your daughter”
"Hi, Miri,” Mrs. Weiss said into the phone.
“Ma, is everything okay?”
Mrs. Weiss looked at her husband. “Yes, of course.”
“Oh, baruch Hashem, you scared me.”
“Sorry, sweetie. I didn’t mean to.” Mrs. Weiss waited just a second, then spoke. “Miri?”
“Yep?” Miri’s voice was cheerful.
“I, um…” She glanced at her husband again. “I just wanted to wish you a good night.”
“You too, Ma. I love you.”
“Me too, Miri. So much. See you tomorrow.”
Mrs. Weiss ended the call and faced her husband. “Sorry, I had a change of heart. She sounded so happy. I couldn’t tell her.”
Her husband’s chest expanded as he filled it with air then deflated when he released it. “It’s your call, Leah. She’s your daughter.”
Miri hoped everything was all right, but dismissed her worry when Shoshi set up a board game on the floor.
“I love Monopoly!”
For the next fifty minutes, the girls bought properties and managed their homes and hotels as their wheelbarrow and top hat raced around the board. Miri groaned when her top hat landed on Boardwalk.
“Yes!” Shoshi sliced the air with her fist. “You owe me $2,000.”
Miri was counting out the paper money when the sound of the front door slamming made both girls lift their heads.
Shoshi looked at her watch. “It’s too early to be my father.” Her eyes unexpectedly lit up. “Hold on a sec. I’ll be right back.”
In her rush, Shoshi left the door to her room open.
“Yochevs!” Miri heard Shoshi loud and clear.
“Hey, Shosh.”
“I’m so happy you’re back. I was totally not handling it when I got your letter.”
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have put you through that, even for a short time.”
“Who cares! As long as you’re back.”
Miri pulled her knees up to her chest. From where had Yocheved returned? And why would she have left if her mother was sick?
“Are you hungry?” Shoshi asked her sister.
“Great, I made salad and hard-boiled eggs for supper. I was saving it for Tatty, but he’s at a chasunah.”
A moment later, Miri heard Yocheved’s delighted exclamation. “Oh, my gosh! You also made me lunch for school tomorrow! Shoshi, you’re the sweetest!”
“I-I… yeah, that bag is for you.”
Miri’s mouth opened, soundlessly objecting.
“But how’d you know I was coming back tonight?” Yocheved said.
“I didn’t. I just hoped you would, and, you know, I thought I’d have it ready for you just in case.”
Miri heard drawers opening and a chair pulled out from the table.
“Mmm,” Yocheved said a moment later. “This is really good.”
“Enjoy. By the way, I bought melba toast if you want.”
“No, I’m good. This is perfect.”
“When you’re finished eating, come to my room. I want you to meet Miri.”
“Hey, that’s your new friend.”
Miri smiled.
“She’s here?”
“She’s sleeping over.”
“I’m so happy for you, Shosh! Okay, I’ll be there as soon as I finish.”
When Shoshie returned, there was a huge smile on her face. “So where were we up to… Oh, yeah, you owe me mucho money!”
Miri stared at Shoshie.
“You gave your lunch away.”
“I know.” Shoshie straightened the tiny red hotels on her properties without looking up.
“Don’t be upset. I know your mother made it for me, but,” she grinned, “it’s complicated.”
Miri opened her mouth then closed it. Shoshie was wrong. It wasn’t complicated, it was downright bizarre! The longer she was at Shoshie’s house, the more confused she was.
Malky opened the door to Devory’s room.
“Don’t you know how to knock?”
“Sorry. I forgot. It’s hard for me to remember to knock. I never had to before.”
“Well, now you do.”
Malky rolled her eyes. “Ta wants you. He looks upset. Are you in trouble?”
Devory ignored her sister’s question. “Just make sure you knock next time.”
Malky followed Devory down the steps. “He’s in his office,” she said.
Devory put her hands on her hips. “I know the way. Thank you very much.”
Malky’s face scrunched up. “You’re so mean! I wish Miri was my real sister and not you!”
Devory inhaled, ready for a comeback, but Malky had turned on her heels.
Her chest tightened as she watched her little sister march away. Part of her wanted to call her back, but the other part wouldn’t allow it. She blew out the pent-up air in her chest and knocked on the office door.
“Come in.”
Devory opened the door and stopped. She was there, sitting on the leather couch.
“Have a seat, Devory,” her father said.
Devory saw her stepmother move over to make space for her, but chose to ignore the gesture, and remained standing near the door.
“Malky said you wanted me.”
“Yes. We wanted to discuss the issue concerning Miri.”
Devory didn’t respond.
“Unfortunately,” her father continued, “Miri is at a friend’s house for a sleepover.”
“I don’t believe it!”
“Had I known there was a problem,” Mrs. Weiss said, “I would never have allowed her to go. I only found out about it after she left.”
“I’m sorry,” her father said. “But we’re going to have to wait until tomorrow night to take care of the problem.”
“Tomorrow night!?”
“That’s not fair! Tomorrow is too late. If I did something wrong, you’d never wait until the next day. Why does Miri get special treatment?”
“It’s not special treatment,” Mrs. Weiss said. “I explained to you what happened.”
Devory paid no attention. She addressed her father. “Ta, can I speak to you privately?”
“We’re a family now, Devory. Is there a reason you can’t say what you have to say, right here?”
Devory’s face flushed. “I just want to speak to you privately. That’s all.”
Mrs. Weiss stood up. “It’s okay, Moshe. If Devory is more comfortable speaking to you in private, I understand.”
“Leah, I’m a firm believer that…”
Mrs. Weiss gave her husband a reassuring look. “It’s fine. Speak to Devory. Tomorrow night we’ll address both issues.” She walked to the door and opened it. “I’ll be in the kitchen if you need me.”
“Both issues?” Devory said as soon as she and her father were alone.
Her father nodded. “Miri has a complaint about you too.”
Devory folded her arms in front of her. “Complaint about what?”
“Be honest with me. Did you tell the girls in school not to speak to her?”
“What?! I would never!”
“I didn’t think so.”
“I can’t believe she would accuse me of something like that! It just goes to show that she’s against me.”
“That’s what I was afraid of.”
Devory remained quiet, letting her father’s anger grow.
Mrs. Weiss stepped away from the door, but the conversation on the other side was still clear as a bell. She knew that tomorrow night’s discussion with Miri wouldn’t be easy. Her husband had already made up his mind as to who the guilty party was.