SisterSchmoozeTuesday, March 22, 2022Do Gowns Make the Woman?Come join us Sisters as we explore how gowns have affected our lives in strange ways
SisterSchmoozeTuesday, February 01, 2022The Stories They TellWe Sisters are pleased to share some of the silent, inanimate objects in our lives that schmooze with us
SisterSchmoozeTuesday, October 26, 2021Bless You!Brachos are not just reserved for Elul; throughout the year, we’ve been privileged to receive brachos from various sources
SisterSchmoozeTuesday, August 17, 2021Shhh! It’s a Secret….We Sisters, like everybody else, have our own little secrets
SisterSchmoozeTuesday, June 15, 2021Take Us Out to the Ball GameCome join us as we try to sink a basket, cross the goal line, and satisfy our need to make bad puns through the world of professional sports
SisterSchmoozeWednesday, April 14, 2021Something Lost, Something GainedWe ponder what we’ve gained after sustaining more personal-sized losses: financial, vocal, and gemological (yes, it’s a word; we looked it up)
SisterSchmoozeWednesday, January 27, 2021Sewing It TogetherUsing the torn threads of her past, Mommy stitched a beautiful new life
SisterSchmoozeWednesday, December 02, 2020Divine SchmoozingWe learned from our parents that wherever a Jew is, it’s always a good place to talk to our Father
SisterSchmoozeWednesday, October 14, 2020What’s in a Name?Join the Sisters (who share the name Stark, which means strong!) as we look at some of the names we’ve encountered
SisterSchmoozeWednesday, August 19, 2020BFFs… Best Friends ForeverHowever the BFF friendship starts, it’s a relationship to be treasured