Devorah Grant

Devorah Grant

Cozey Feature
Tuesday, November 28, 2023
Tuesday, March 23, 2021
Within a few weeks of Mrs. Rubin being my teacher, I had been told I needed to sit at the front of the classroom — because it was “better for me” — and had been ignored more times ...
Wednesday, February 24, 2021
Growing up with Debbie around has been like one long learning curve
Wednesday, January 20, 2021
When the doors finally opened, I stumbled out into the mall and collapsed onto a nearby bench
Teen Fiction
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
I told Chayala about my huge fear of failing tests, Chayala started telling me about her social anxiety
Fire Fighters
Wednesday, May 06, 2020
A flame left unchecked can become a raging inferno, consuming everything in its path. Unless someone stands tall and douses the flames. Four tales of courage
Monday, April 06, 2020
I knew that one day I would just have to explode. Which I did, on the shabbaton
Wednesday, March 04, 2020
Determined to avoid the problem, I did the only thing I could think of — I started to act up in class
Teen Feature
Wednesday, February 05, 2020
In honor of Tu B’Shevat, we set off to explore new worlds behind the fruit we eat
Jr. Feature
Wednesday, October 02, 2019
we explore a few of the confessions we make and learn a little more about what we are saying to Hashem, our King, who is kind and merciful and helps us to do teshuvah
Real Life
Wednesday, August 07, 2019
Chavi knew too much about fiery destruction, probably had nightmares about sparks and embers
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
Knowing that hundreds of us were making our way on foot to the last remaining Wall made it all connect somehow. I had to come back