Knesset ChannelTuesday, November 22, 2022Coalition of the (Un)WillingThe future coalition has condemned itself to being born in pain
Knesset ChannelTuesday, November 15, 2022Supreme ShowdownWeakening Israel’s high court is a top coalition priority
Power PlaysTuesday, November 08, 2022Bibi’s Sharp RightMuch about the newest iteration of Bibi is new. The most notable change is his attitude toward issues of religion and state
Knesset ChannelWednesday, November 02, 2022Bibi’s Sweetest VictoryIn this campaign, there were no rabbits pulled out of hats; the battle plan was carefully plotted from beginning to end
Knesset ChannelTuesday, October 25, 2022Rising Star Ben Gvir Outshines Bibi If the polls are borne out, Itamar Ben Gvir will be in pole position after the elections
Knesset ChannelTuesday, October 18, 20222015 REDUX As fifth elections loom, Bibi fears a 2015 reprise
The CurrentThursday, October 06, 2022Bibi Speaks Binyamin Netanyahu opens up to Mishpacha in an exclusive interview
Knesset ChannelWednesday, September 28, 2022A Sorry State of Affairs Some Israeli officials are using this season of teshuvah for political repentance — begging the forgiveness of voters they betrayed this year
Knesset ChannelTuesday, September 13, 2022Bibi Works the PhonesWhile Netanyahu’s ultimate message is always the same, the details vary from person to person