Latest Words Unspoken
Words Unspoken
Words Unspoken
Words Unspoken
Words Unspoken
Words Unspoken
Silent Heroes
"Yes, it’s all true, and this is what makes yeshivah cooks heroes. But Zev is the leader of them all”
Shoshana Itzkowitz
Silent Heroes
In my heart of hearts, I was envious of each of them. They were touching souls and elevating spirits
Yocheved Kreps
Out of the Woods
"I just feel like someone’s staring at us,” he said, lowering his voice. “Strange, no?"
Rochel Samet
Out of the Woods
“We’ll be making a seudas hodaah together,” Avi said. His friends and Elchanan’s friends...somehow, it was all the same thing now
Rochel Samet
I dare me
The spillover effect of this commitment has been nothing short of incredible
Elisheva Appel
I dare me
I might save a few dollars by checking two stores to see who has a better Kipling sale, but at what expense?
Elisheva Appel
Eternal Wall: Pesach Theme 5782
Motti Levy’s been driving for Egged since 1969, when access to the Kosel was still a newly won thrill
Penina Steinbruch
Eternal Wall: Pesach Theme 5782
We hope you can savor this offering as we pray for the time when the Kosel will again be not a final destination, but a gateway to Hashem’s presence on earth
Nomee Shaingarten and Shoshana Friedman
Podcast: Knesset Channel
LISTEN: Join Gedalia Guttentag as he speaks to voters at the polls in Israel's key swing areas
Gedalia Guttentag
Podcast: Knesset Channel
What does MK Moshe Gafni expect from Monday's elections? What's it like to run the Finance Committee without a government? And what does Rav Chaim think about the Trump Plan?
Gedalia Guttentag
More Words Unspoken
Words Unspoken

“I don’t know what I am, but what happened to me no longer defines me”

By Anonymous

Words Unspoken

“I wish I could present myself as I am without feeling ashamed of something that’s really not shameful at all”

By Anonymous

Words Unspoken

He gave us one of the most beautiful brachos we’ve ever received, “May you have much bruchah, hatzluchah, and nachas”

By Anonymous

Words Unspoken

If we got engaged at the same time, no one would have to leave the other behind

By Anonymous

Words Unspoken

These beautiful girls shouldn’t come out of interviews sobbing, feeling degraded

By Anonymous

Words Unspoken

What can I say, what can I do, with this realization? Thank you? How woefully inadequate

By Anonymous