Words Unspoken
“Please keep in mind that dan l’chaf zechus relates to parents as well”
Words Unspoken
“I promise you, it’s harder for me to speak to you than it is for you to speak to me”
Words Unspoken
Should I have gone to visit you? Should I have ignored my concern that you wouldn’t want to see people? Should I have realized you might not make it to Sunday?
Words Unspoken
During a simchah, which is typically such an exciting time, there’s often an underlying feeling of tension
Words Unspoken
Even my friends of decades find it tough to see me this way, I can tell. But trust me — I haven’t changed
Words Unspoken
Please ask your child to take a moment and think of a classmate who isn’t as likely to get too many mishloach manos deliveries (or even one!)