Latest Windows
Gitel Moses
Tali Edelstein
Rivka Streicher
Mindel Kassorla
Mimi Mandel
Family First Feature
How she used her brain to beat her pain: one woman's experience
Racheli Lebovics
Family First Feature
It turns out there is a recipe for popularity — and you can teach your kids these skills
Rachel Atkins
People expected me to have a holy perspective about our children’s conditions from the beginning
Musia Slavin
At nine days old — an incredibly young age for a child with both a cleft lip and a cleft palate! — they weaned Tali off the feeding tube
Musia Slavin
Suddenly I felt a rush of gratitude, dizzyingly strong, for the life Hashem has given me “I have to ask you something,” my husband began. His tone made me stop what I was doing and look up. It was early Friday afternoon and I was ready for a relaxing Shabbos. I hadn’t been feeling well
Rabbi Dovid M. Cohen
It’s extremely awkward for me to write this question to a women’s magazine, but for various reasons, I can’t go for help, and the lack of real respect and deeper connection in my home bothers me terribly,
Bassi Gruen
I spent an incredible Shabbos in Great Neck with the Persian community
Sivan Rahav-Meir
The 53,000-square-foot Friendship Circle of New Jersey (FCNJ) is unlike anything I’ve seen before
Sivan Rahav-Meir
Quick Q
Suddenly I felt a rush of gratitude, dizzyingly strong, for the life Hashem has given me “I have to ask you something,” my husband began. His tone made me stop what I was doing and look up. It was early Friday afternoon and I was ready for a relaxing Shabbos. I hadn’t been feeling well
Quick Q
What happened to a trusted sibling or friend?
More Windows

Tefillos that hadn’t been answered in the way I’d wanted left me scared to try again

By Baila Berger


That clock was robbing me of my sleep

By Rachel Newton


I know what she’s thinking: chareidi, kids, more kids, mess, problems

By Rivka Streicher


Anger is scary. Anger is dangerous. I won’t allow myself to do angry

By Henny Salzman


I want to be a mother — but I’m not yet a wife

By Fay Glick


That first night, in the strange and hostile FFB world, I cried myself to sleep

By Goldie Young