Latest War Diaries
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Elana Moskowitz
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Bashie Lisker
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Zahava Emanuel
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Family First Contributors
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Aidel Loeb
Elections 2024
Binyamin Rose's takes on an energized GOP
Binyamin Rose
Elections 2024
Kamala Harris, 5 things to know
Gedalia Guttentag
As They Grow
Rabbi Greenwald's column in Issue 1011, advising a mother with a daughter in shidduchim to clarify whether she wants a husband who learns or one who works, generated significant reader feedback. Two letters are presented here, along with Rabbi Greenwald's response.
Rabbi Zecharya Greenwald
As They Grow
Your problem is what we call “a rich man’s tzuris”
Rabbi Zecharya Greenwald
Knowing and Growing
If a tree trunk is mostly dead, what's the secret of its living strength? 
Rabbi Reuven Leuchter
Knowing and Growing
We need to identify our own metaphorical roots, trunk, and branches
Rabbi Reuven Leuchter
Your Money and Your Life
“I’m not going to be a good fit for every potential client, and not every potential client will be a good fit for me”
R.C. Steif
Jewish Geography
Yoram Ettinger: Conflict manageable, not solvable,The Pitfalls of Peace,Yoram Ettinger: Conflict manageable, not solvable
Binyamin Rose
Earth to Zalmi
I’ll be sitting on a spaceship for five days until I reach Boruch’s planet
Faigy Gut
More War Diaries
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Would we — given the same set of circumstances — transgress to a similar, morally bankrupt degree?

By Ester Zirkind

War Diaries

We thought we’d be safe in the North, at home.

By Tzippi Rose

War Diaries

Then Motzaei Shabbos comes. The Internet tells me a hundred explosive-laden drones are already on their way to Israel. Even my husband is a little nervous.

By Raizy Jotkowitz

War Diaries

I couldn’t stand in the way of him doing what he felt he needed to do

By Elana Moskowitz

War Diaries

I wish I could say I was excited to go back, and that our return home was smooth. But I wasn’t, and it wasn’t

By Mindel Kassorla

War Diaries

Even in Hamas’s tunnels, Sapir Cohen found faith and fortitude. Months after her release, she has a message she wants to share with Am Yisrael

By Elana Moskowitz