Latest Vantage Point
Slices of Life
He was just a man with calloused hands, shaping falafel balls, and making a parnassah
Shloimy Hoffman
Slices of Life
How did she get such remarkable blueberries, each one perfect?
Yaakov Rosenblatt
5 Things to Know About
There very rarely is an easy or simple “blended family”
Shoshana Itzkowitz
5 Things to Know About
It’s really no different than telling someone in a wheelchair that she should move faster because she’s in your way.
Our lives have to be a progression. Moving forward, you’re not the same person you were yesterday
Faigy Peritzman
Hashem has the power to transform any situation — no matter how difficult — into a source of great blessing
Faigy Peritzman
Now We're Talking
How do I respect her deeply held beliefs while maintaining my dignity and the dignity of my food?
Sara Eisemann
Now We're Talking
Seems to me that you and your husband need to have a conversation
Sara Eisemann
Would you rather be part of a large chevreh or have one special best friend? Many teens have asked themselves this question
Devora Zheutlin, MA, CAS
When faced with hard moments, remember the following: Many meaningful conversations are “charged” with discomfort
Devora Zheutlin, MA, CAS
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Vantage Point

Once again, the threat is not a Jewish problem. It is a human problem

By Rabbi Moshe Hauer