For the Record
For more than a quarter century, Rabbi Yisroel Rosenberg was the dean of the American Orthodox rabbinate
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Rav Yitzchak Shlomo Ungar had no biological children, but his kever is often surrounded by petitioners
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“Rav Shlomo Wolbe ztz”l, that every six months spent in all-day learning earlier in life is worth years later on”
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“Every time I read from it, my soul is changed, my life is changed. I communicate with my Maker and become closer to Him”
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Rav Yitzchok Zilberstein and Rav Chaim have been learning together every Friday morning for decades, but they haven’t seen each other since before last Purim
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I was blown away by his questions and methodical, original explanations. (He famously poses 100 questions at the beginning and proceeds to answer them)