“Kudos to Mrs. Zelcer for so eloquently encapsulating the struggle that many of us singles face, and striving to fortify us with chizuk and growth through Penimi”
“The recent censoring of books in secular society highlights an incredible opportunity we may have to make great books available to Bais Yaakov students”
The Kuzari explains that we must look at every mitzvah opportunity as a personal invitation to the King’s palace
There is no such thing as normal for a Torah Jew. There is only Shulchan Aruch
“If you plan on making Eretz Yisrael your permanent home, then my suggestion is do as the Israelis do and live outside of Yerushalayim”
“The last thing our children need, in my opinion, is more time away from home. I say the best thing you can give your kids is time at home as a family”