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A Few Minutes With
Gedalia Guttentag
The Current
Omri Nahmias
Washington Wrap
Omri Nahmias
Open Mic
We can offer something better to our children than a pretend world with pretend love
Dr. Michael Milgraum
Open Mic
Simchas Torah — true, actual, authentic celebration of the Torah — is not as easy as it sounds
Shmuel Botnick
Here are some products to enhance the Chanukah kitchen experience, as well as serving as nice gifts for this time of year
Malky Gestetner
Sisters Share
In this new column, we’ll meet wonderful girls who all have siblings with special needs, and they’ll share with us how they feel about being “special” sisters
C. Rosen
Theme Section: Wandering Jews
My parents had survived the Holocaust, but Communism in Hungary was a noose around our necks. Would that small crack during the uprising be the window for our escape?
Riki Goldstein
Theme Section: Wandering Jews
Modern exiles of an ancient people: Four personal accounts of those seeking safer ground
Rachel Bachrach
When I was finally coaxed back into the classroom, it was for something I’d never imagined
Yochonon Donn
More The Current
A Few Minutes With

“We are going to speak out and we are going to draw attention to what they are doing and we are going to fight back”

By Yochonon Donn

The Rose Report

The fact that Israel Hayom was the first paper to give Binyamin Netanyahu, the Likud, and the Israeli right significant space, and a fair hearing, is a major reason why Netanyahu and the Likud have maintained their political power since 2009

By Binyamin Rose

The Rose Report

It didn’t have to end this way. This was a ruinous last act that backfired on Trump and defamed America’s reputation as a beacon of democracy

By Binyamin Rose

Knesset Channel

To put it simply, was the shuk still with Bibi?

By Gedalia Guttentag

Washington Wrap

Why is the US so slow to roll out its own vaccine?

By Omri Nahmias

Metro & Beyond

For Brooklyn’s disabled, too much is off-limits

By Yochonon Donn