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Avi Blum, ESQ
The Rose Report
Binyamin Rose
The Current
Rafael Hoffman
The Current
Rafael Hoffman
Knesset Channel
Avi Blum, ESQ
The Next Chapter
Her smile, warmth, and interest always made me feel that I was her best friend
Ahava Ehrenpreis
The Next Chapter
Like a geological formation, there are layers and layers of sentimental strata among my clutter
Ahava Ehrenpreis
Pantry Makes Perfect
Something not too complex, yet flavorful enough to be special
Faigy Grossmann
Pantry Makes Perfect
This fish dish takes just a few minutes to prepare — definitely appreciated when preparing so many Yom Tov dishes
Faigy Grossmann
Second Thoughts
Since we have already had a nahafoch hu year, this Purim let us do something different
Rabbi Emanuel Feldman
Second Thoughts
Demeaning is related to diminished, which is what happens to prayer when it is reduced to a commercial slogan
Rabbi Emanuel Feldman
“Oh, goodness, I’m so happy. It’s amazing what a good fit does to a gown. Beautiful, beautiful”
Esty Heller
It was not my place to tell Yocheved what to do. This was her business, her responsibility. I couldn’t change the world
Esty Heller
My Lightning Flash
Six women share a moment that illuminated their path
Mishpacha Contributors
My Lightning Flash
As we stood at Har Sinai, we saw the thunder, heard the lightning. The lightning fades, but the sudden burst of clarity takes you forward. Six women share a moment that illuminated their path
Shoshana Schwartz
More The Current
The Current

An on-site account of the peaceful transfer of power in Washington

By Jake Turx

A Few Minutes With

Shurat HaDin warns IDF soldiers they could be arrested abroad 

By Yaacov Lipszyc

The Current

L.A. residents ask,  “Where do you start when you lose everything?”

By Rafael Hoffman

Face to Face

“Blinken admitted it was a mistake not to pressure Hamas”

By Avi Blum, ESQ

The Current

Why can’t we keep jetliners safe from flying flocks?

By Yitzchok Landa

Knesset Channel

In lockstep with his return to health, Bibi emerged from the political crisis with a reinforced coalition

By Avi Blum, ESQ