Teen Fiction
“It’s true Penina needs to work on the middah of emes. But that doesn’t mean you can speak this way. We all have what to work on”
Teen Fiction
“You’re forever at choir practice…” sighed Leah theatrically. “Is it really such a major deal?”
Teen Fiction
She stood so straight and tall, you’d think either she didn’t realize how strange she looked, or she was proud of it
Teen Fiction
“I heard that her neighbors used to hear yelling from the apartment — you know, before they sent her away”
Teen Fiction
“Baruch Hashem, but Tammy seems to be drifting in a different direction. I’m worried,” said Mom sadly
Teen Fiction
Buy yourself something special, Leah! Love, Mommy. I beam at the note and reread the words. Wow! This is simply… amazing!