Latest Split
Musia Slavin
Musia Slavin
Musia Slavin
Musia Slavin
Musia Slavin
By the Numbers
Parental support: readers share their takes
Family First Readers
By the Numbers
As children become adults, how much do they — and should they — rely on their parents for support? Over 800 parents and children weigh in
Mishpacha Readers
The Gadol Down the Block: Shavuos 5782
Rav Yaakov’s house was the lodestar of our family’s spiritual identity
Mrs. Suri Cohen
The Gadol Down the Block: Shavuos 5782
And then, one Friday night before Succos, the Rav’s home was destroyed in a devastating fire
Moshe Benoliel
The Rose Report
As Biden struggles, Trump is riding high
Binyamin Rose
The Rose Report
Will a disastrous debate upend the 2024 race? 
Binyamin Rose
Medical Mysteries
All the tests came back clear—but something was very wrong
Faigy Peritzman
Medical Mysteries
What was behind my son’s attacks of agonizing pain?
Faigy Peritzman
Sirens at Ne'ilah
A half century after the guns fell silent over Sinai and the Golan, revisiting the climactic scenes on the front and those inside the heart
Binyamin Rose
Sirens at Ne'ilah
As sirens wailed, soldiers mobilized, and an entire nation was gripped by fear, how did the Torah world’s leaders respond?
Meir Gold and Yair Stern
More Split

But it’s just that — a boo-boo—she reiterated to them. “The doctors are going to fix him, b’ezras Hashem”

By Musia Slavin


Our whole world was waiting to see our child, and this is what they’d be greeted with?

By Musia Slavin


All the fears, the worries, the concerns — they had a place, somewhere. But right then, I was going to meet my gorgeous son and love him with all my heart.   T here were mountains of medical gobbledygook. Our parents, the only ones who knew about the cleft lip, helped us sift through it. We

By Musia Slavin


Even without any medical background, my husband and I could tell that something was wrong

By Musia Slavin