He had a big smile when he replied, “I’d love to.”
“We’ve never met before, but this is strange…”,Meeting Expectations,“I know you’re from Israel and we’ve never met before, but I feel strangely close to you…”
Parenting through the long dog days of summer,How to Banish Boredom,How do we entertain, educate, and simply parent our children when the long dog days of summer have arrived?
Mrs. Sadie Friedberg (name changed) had passed away at 92. The funeral was scheduled for Sunday at 10 a.m. I was worried there wouldn’t even be a minyan attending. Such is the reality of the American rabbinate. She had only one child, her son Norman, a psychologist who lived in Utah. Last time I saw
I felt compassion; however I still struggled to be totally empathetic — to feel the pain.