Latest Shooting Stars
Shooting Stars
Shira Gold
Shooting Stars
Shira Gold
Shooting Stars
Shira Gold
Shooting Stars
Shira Gold
Shooting Stars
Shira Gold
Are our schools equipped to deal with the challenge of gifted children?
Acknowledging the limits of hasbarah, easing up on the desperation and our quest to convince the moral-equivalencers
Aron Yitzchok Grossman
Your Money and Your Life
“I’m not going to be a good fit for every potential client, and not every potential client will be a good fit for me”
R.C. Steif
Jewish Geography
Yoram Ettinger: Conflict manageable, not solvable,The Pitfalls of Peace,Yoram Ettinger: Conflict manageable, not solvable
Binyamin Rose
I'll Sing to Hashem
His colleagues, contemporaries, and younger fans all agree: The Jewish music world owes Yigal a tremendous debt of gratitude
Riki Goldstein
I'll Sing to Hashem
"I had recently joined Neginah Orchestra. When I realized how good Yigal and his choir were, I decided that we just had to collaborate"
Riki Goldstein
Binyomin Zev absorbed from this the principle of “b’chol derachecha da’eihu” — whatever you do, always have in mind Hashem’s will 
Riki Goldstein
“Our father changed the trajectory of his students’ lives. He perceived the greatness in them they could often not yet see, and lifted them to that vision”
The Belsky Family
The memory of that first Pesach reminds us that no matter how hopeless the galus seems, it is inalterably finite
Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky
Did Chazal give us a clue as to how to reach this lofty level of envisioning ourselves as the Yotzei Mitzrayim?
Rabbi Henoch Plotnik
More Shooting Stars
Shooting Stars

 I’m not prepared for this. This is… an attack. This is absolutely ludicrous

By Shira Gold

Shooting Stars

I’m torn in two directions.  My dance needs me.  And the play is in just a few weeks.  But I can’t just hang my family on the coat rack. Production!  Merely the mention of it brings a smile to my face.  There’s laughter in the air, music blasting.  The hallways are pulsating with activity, paintbrushes

By Shira Gold

Shooting Stars

First came Ima’s diagnosis. Then everything else

By Shira Gold

Shooting Stars

I’m dizzy just thinking about what awaits me when I come home

By Shira Gold

Shooting Stars

Uncle Dani, my dear Uncle Dani, is nowhere to be found. In his stead is a hardened confused, guy

By Shira Gold

Shooting Stars

Maybe I am going nuts. But why did the principal’s kind offer leave me feeling so uncomfortable?

By Shira Gold