Latest Shooting Stars
Shooting Stars
Shira Gold
Shooting Stars
Shira Gold
Shooting Stars
Shira Gold
Shooting Stars
Shira Gold
Shooting Stars
Shira Gold
The Conversation Continues
Readers debate boundaries, business, and balance
Family First Readers
The Conversation Continues
Does a therapist’s age matter? Should frum young adults be venturing into the field of mental health before they have life experience? Readers weigh in on Sarah Rivkah Kohn’s column.
Family First Readers
It’s strips like these that solidify The Kichels as frum social commentary at its finest
Alexandra Fleksher
Only a 15-year-old who doesn’t know his place would continue the conversation at that point. And so, I continued
Rabbi Chaim Aryeh Zev Ginzberg
Counter Point
Our Succos supplement Yiddishe Gelt, about the price of frum life today, drew significant and spirited feedback. Here is a sampling
Mishpacha Readers
Counter Point
"The discrepancy between the rebbeim and teachers’ gifts is definitely not warranted"
Mishpacha Readers
Purim 5784
With striped hats and hyped cats, these classics reinvent themselves
Mishpacha Contributors
Purim 5784
Daas Balabatim You Can Trust
Mishpacha Contributors
Shul of My Youth
Rabbi Paysach Krohn remembers the shul of his youth
Baila Rosenbaum
Shul of My Youth
For some reason my father chose to become a member at Dukes Place, and that was our shul
Riki Goldstein
More Shooting Stars
Shooting Stars

 I’m not prepared for this. This is… an attack. This is absolutely ludicrous

By Shira Gold

Shooting Stars

I’m torn in two directions.  My dance needs me.  And the play is in just a few weeks.  But I can’t just hang my family on the coat rack. Production!  Merely the mention of it brings a smile to my face.  There’s laughter in the air, music blasting.  The hallways are pulsating with activity, paintbrushes

By Shira Gold

Shooting Stars

First came Ima’s diagnosis. Then everything else

By Shira Gold

Shooting Stars

I’m dizzy just thinking about what awaits me when I come home

By Shira Gold

Shooting Stars

Uncle Dani, my dear Uncle Dani, is nowhere to be found. In his stead is a hardened confused, guy

By Shira Gold

Shooting Stars

Maybe I am going nuts. But why did the principal’s kind offer leave me feeling so uncomfortable?

By Shira Gold