Now she knew why she wasn’t feeling the peace that sleeping Sari and grateful Ariella and the sunny living room should have given her
Kivi had waved his hands — big deal, everyone is entitled to make a parnassah — but inside, he’d felt a prick of annoyance. This was going to be his concept. His place to make a mark.
The thought of Wagner standing off to the side, whispering little pieces of landlord advice, didn’t thrill Kivi. Yet how could he say no to his oldest, closest friend?
His mother-in-law had called a month ago to ask him to speak at the sheva brachos they were hosting. “You’re always so funny Kivi, you can represent us”
As Aryeh came to pull him into a little circle with the other sons and sons-in-law, Kivi straightened his shoulders and joined, one of the Halb boys
Kivi knew that the resentment he felt was really envy. Malky had accepted his family and he was still struggling to accept hers