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All I Ask
Ruti Kepler
Esty Heller
Dov Haller
All I Ask
Ruti Kepler
Dov Haller
Jr. Feature
Pompeii is one of the most fascinating time capsules and important archaeological sites in the world
J.S. Wolin
Jr. Feature
Don’t want to work in any of the standard professions? No prob. This list has you covered. Or… maybe not!
Malka Winner
Name Drop
When he was younger, he sounded off in order to survive. Today he’s an advocate for his people by choice. With Yossi Gestetner’s open mike, no one goes down without a fight
Yisroel Besser
Name Drop
His zeide loved connecting with other Jews and so does he_— through digital age albums and scouting out raw talent that no computer can replace,
Yisroel Besser
Shared Space
As the serial draws to a close, we reached out to voices of authority within the community to discuss some of the underlying threads of Shared Space. This week, Rabbi Avrohom Neuberger weighs in on the issue of hard moneylending
Dov Haller
Shared Space
Sometimes, the greatest gift parents can give their married children is the freedom to fail
Dr Meir Wikler
Jolly Solly
The troublesome two faced each other, fists clenched — but were distracted by Jolly Solly’s voice nearby
R. Atkins
Jolly Solly
“Burst pipe!” he called to his fellow workmen inside.  “Somebody turn off the water mains!”
R. Atkins
Veiled Reference Podcast
Glikl of Hameln is a familiar and beloved character to Jewish history enthusiasts. In this episode, we dive beneath the surface of Glikl’s words to deeply appreciate the forces at play for women of her era. In conversation with Professor Elisheva Carlebach. Dr. Carlebach is the Salo Wittmayer Baron Professor of Jewish History, Culture, and Society, at Columbia University.  
BONUS MINIPOD: Shabtai Zvi, Birkas Kohanim, and the Path Away from the Kosel
Tzipora Weinberg
Veiled Reference Podcast
The Silent Strength of Joanna of Burgos Joanna is a name most people won’t recognize, but her story is one for the ages. This episode describes one woman’s faith under fire, in the aftermath of the 1391 massacres in Spain, and the ways women kept their faith throughout the years of the Spanish Inquisition. In conversation with Yael Krumbein. Yael teaches European History at Touro College’s Lander College for Women in New York City and Jewish history at Bais Yaakov Machon Ora High School in Passaic, NJ   MINI-POD: The Rivash and the Chasid Yavetz on women's challenges and triumphs in Spain, 1391-1492
Tzipora Weinberg
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All I Ask

“Shame two innocent little boys, just because they have brown skin? That’s okay with you, and with everybody in the kehillah?”

By Ruti Kepler


Yelena The apartment was quiet when I returned from work. There was a pot on the stove, and I sniffed something sweet and spicy. “Benish?” I called. I was rewarded with a grunt from the direction of the dining room. I hung up my coat and went to the dining room. Benish was sprawled on

By Esty Heller


This whole situation was super strange, but the fact was, I hadn’t done anything wrong

By Esty Heller


This was the guy who told people when they had dandruff on their collar; subtlety wasn’t his strong point

By Dov Haller

All I Ask

“I’m thinking it ought to be pretty simple to find out who leaked the documents”

By Ruti Kepler


I definitely hadn’t done anything wrong here. And yet, something niggled at my memory. I knew the answer, I’d heard it somewhere. Where?

By Esty Heller