Latest Second Thoughts
Second Thoughts
Rabbi Emanuel Feldman
Second Thoughts
Rabbi Emanuel Feldman
Second Thoughts
Rabbi Emanuel Feldman
Second Thoughts
Rabbi Emanuel Feldman
Second Thoughts
Rabbi Emanuel Feldman
Even if you are not a sports fan, keep reading, because this might speak to you   With baseball now in full swing (well, in partial swing) and football considering a kickoff in a few weeks, here is a sports-grounded change of pace for all the pandemic-saturated readers of this column. Even if you are
Even if you are not a sports fan, keep reading, because this might speak to you   With baseball now in full swing (well, in partial swing) and football considering a kickoff in a few weeks, here is a sports-grounded change of pace for all the pandemic-saturated readers of this column. Even if you are
Gourmet Vs. Everyday
This makes a great light, fun supper that the kids can eat quickly before running off to play
Chaya Suri Leitner and Sara Gold
Gourmet Vs. Everyday
This dish is so filling and extremely flavorful with minimal ingredients. The best part is that the filling is like a side dish!
Chaya Suri Leitner and Sara Gold
Spirit and Sparks
Are self-improvement courses really a path in avodas Hashem?
Baila Vorhand
Spirit and Sparks
The menorah brightens corners the Shabbos candles can't reach
Baila Vorhand
Hidden Heroes
His body is paralyzed, but his strong will drives him
Tovy Mann
Hidden Heroes
Children with low bone density can take part in games and any activities that don’t put stress on their bones
Tovy Mann
B.A.N.G Gang
"Dobra Baila could definitely splash paint around on a bit of paper. But do you really think anyone’s gonna pay money for the daubings of a kid?"
R. Atkins
B.A.N.G Gang
"I know you: You’re the lads who saved my Tiddles. There’s no way you’re thieves"
R. Atkins
More Second Thoughts
Second Thoughts

Precisely because Tishah B’Av is approaching, I am not depressed, but encouraged

By Rabbi Emanuel Feldman

Second Thoughts

Anything that cheapens or vulgarizes our connection with the Almighty is in religious bad taste

By Rabbi Emanuel Feldman

Second Thoughts

If bad is contagious, is it not possible that good is also contagious?

By Rabbi Emanuel Feldman

Second Thoughts

Davening by one’s self has the power to teach us a thing or two

By Rabbi Emanuel Feldman

Second Thoughts

Pesach has long passed, but the coronavirus has not. Here is that pre-Pesach moment, frozen in time

By Rabbi Emanuel Feldman

Second Thoughts

We are all united in our loneliness and in our faith that before long all this will be behind us

By Rabbi Emanuel Feldman