Latest Out of the Woods
Out of the Woods
Rochel Samet
Out of the Woods
Rochel Samet
Out of the Woods
Rochel Samet
Out of the Woods
Rochel Samet
Out of the Woods
Rochel Samet
In the spirit of V’nahafoch hu, Mishpacha contributors share the axioms they were sure of…until they weren’t
Rabbi Avrohom Neuberger
In the spirit of V’nahafoch hu, Mishpacha contributors share the axioms they were sure of…until they weren’t
Yael Schuster
Face to Face
“Blinken admitted it was a mistake not to pressure Hamas”
Avi Blum, ESQ
Face to Face
“If I had my way, we wouldn’t be negotiating with Hamas at all”
Avi Blum, ESQ
Fork in the Road
“Did you— did you tell her what you told us? About the boys going to the police station?” Rabbi Stark asked, his voice shaking   Mr. Shine and Rabbi Stark drove up and down the village streets, looking for any signs of their missing sons. “Excuse me, ma’am,” Rabbi Stark called from the window. A
Michal Frischman
Fork in the Road
“Did you— did you tell her what you told us? About the boys going to the police station?” Rabbi Stark asked, his voice shaking   Mr. Shine and Rabbi Stark drove up and down the village streets, looking for any signs of their missing sons. “Excuse me, ma’am,” Rabbi Stark called from the window. A
Rivki Rabinowitz
The Soapbox
What advocacy couldn’t accomplish, parents achieved just by showing up
Rabbi Avi Schnall
The Soapbox
It’s now time for our community to work proactively to shape our public image
Avi Greenstein
“Think over what? This sounds awesome! I’d love to be your assistant coach!” Rafi exclaimed
Ariella Stern
About one hour, a few X-rays, and one soda can later, Rafi was finally able to get some answers
Ariella Stern
More Out of the Woods
Out of the Woods

“I don’t believe it. Of all the places we had to go for help, it was there— and he’s in with the gang!”

By Rochel Samet

Out of the Woods

“One second, Elchanan. Look out the window — it’s not our parents, and it doesn’t look like the search party, either”

By Rochel Samet

Out of the Woods

“It’s just… strange that there are no cars anywhere. We must be in a totally different place than where we started.”   We’re out!” Elchanan whooped, high-fiving Avi. “We’re out of the forest!” Avi mustered up a smile, but he couldn’t bring himself to join Elchanan’s excitement until they were actually back home — or

By Rochel Samet

Out of the Woods

I think we should just keep going in the direction Matt told us. At least then we know we’ll get out of the forest.”

By Rochel Samet

Out of the Woods

I hope they don’t come across the boys. I didn’t like the look of them. They were hiding something

By Rochel Samet

Out of the Woods

Elchanan realized that Avi had probably never climbed a tree before. But they were in grave danger

By Rochel Samet