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Esther Gendelman and Malkie Gendelman
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Shira Hart
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Esther Ilana Rabi
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Chaia Frishman
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Chananel Shapiro
The Gatekeeper's Daughter
Vasara sucks in her breath. She swivels in her office chair and closes her eyes. Her trip to Riga belongs to another era, relegated to a dusty corner of her brain, the door shut firmly after it
Esther Teichtal
The Gatekeeper's Daughter
She might always be that weird girl who has fallen from a distant star who doesn’t know half of the endless rules
Esther Teichtal
bite the budget
What’s it like being the oldest bochur in the dorm — often by a good few years — wondering if life will ever go forward? "M azel tov, chassan!” The exuberant shouts from his friends are enough to make any young groom feel great as he’s about to embark on the biggest change of his
Elisheva Frankel
bite the budget
What’s it like being the oldest bochur in the dorm — often by a good few years — wondering if life will ever go forward? "M azel tov, chassan!” The exuberant shouts from his friends are enough to make any young groom feel great as he’s about to embark on the biggest change of his
Elisheva Frankel
The key to selling narratives through social media lies in convincing large numbers of users that what most people believe has changed overnight
Yonoson Rosenblum
Professor Jonathan Haidt of NYU’s Stern School of Business has been focused on the destruction of American youth by safetyism and smartphones
Yonoson Rosenblum
No jumping through hoops necessary to make these gorgeous succah decorations
Esti Vago
What’s it like being the oldest bochur in the dorm — often by a good few years — wondering if life will ever go forward? "M azel tov, chassan!” The exuberant shouts from his friends are enough to make any young groom feel great as he’s about to embark on the biggest change of his
Nechama Kovitz
B.A.N.G Gang
"Dobra Baila could definitely splash paint around on a bit of paper. But do you really think anyone’s gonna pay money for the daubings of a kid?"
R. Atkins
B.A.N.G Gang
"I know you: You’re the lads who saved my Tiddles. There’s no way you’re thieves"
R. Atkins
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The pros all say: Get in front of the crisis, grab the narrative, and be honest. A behind-the-scenes look at marketing mistakes, mishaps, and triumphs

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A frum workplace would seem to offer a safe harbor from the stormy challenges of the secular job market. But smooth waters can hide treacherous currents

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Why pain is such a puzzle to quantify, what it’s like to live with constant pain — and a look at some groundbreaking new treatments

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