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Libi Astaire
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Toby Vogel
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Yael Schuster
20 Years of Mishpacha
Behind the Scenes with the Family Table Team
Mishpacha Contributors
20 Years of Mishpacha
Join us on a musical journey through the last 20 years and their hit songs
Riki Goldstein
Editor's Letter
Maybe the ultimate strength of Stories is their unique ability to wrangle with the soul
Rachael Lavon
Editor's Letter
You struggle and toil and build, and then it all comes down, but perhaps that’s the point. Perhaps the glory is in the effort, not the result
Yisroel Besser
There’s a direct line between what went on since the November elections, and the political violence that shook Washington, D.C. on January 6
Gedalia Guttentag
At the very moment when mankind is advanced enough to grapple with Artificial Intelligence, gene editing and quantum computing, we’re totally defenseless against a virus - except for a cloth over our face
Gedalia Guttentag
Silent Heroes
"Yes, it’s all true, and this is what makes yeshivah cooks heroes. But Zev is the leader of them all”
Shoshana Itzkowitz
Silent Heroes
In my heart of hearts, I was envious of each of them. They were touching souls and elevating spirits
Yocheved Kreps
All I Ask
Soon after the first chapters were published, the questions and doubts came
Ruti Kepler
All I Ask
Tell him. Right now. Say the words Dad asked you to say. Just say it! Quick, before it’s too late!
Ruti Kepler
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Chronic complaining can affect your health, relationships, and happiness. How to cut the kvetching.

By Malkie Schulman

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Ten years after the largest-ever Ponzi scheme was exposed, Bernie Madoff’s thousands of investors are still trying to collect their money. Is our money any safer today?

By Yosef Lustig

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Rav Elya Brudny and Rav Yisroel Reisman join an urgent call to save our yeshivos

By Eytan Kobre

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Following my recent article, intrigued readers sent in their questions for more specific skin
concerns and treatment options

By Lea Pavel

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Should we pretend the fight never happened and soldier on? Or can we harness the aftermath of our arguments to strengthen, not strain, our marriage?

By Elisheva Appel

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Meet the people who got a bright idea, a lightbulb moment, and ran with it, bringing dazzling innovations to Jewish life

By C.S. Teitelbaum