Latest Musings
Yocheved Zerfman
Bassheva Kahn
Yehudis Aron
Gitel Moses
Sarah Tovah Braha
The Best: Music Collection
A new hit composition by Yisrael Meir Friedberg, featured on 'The Best' Music album in the Hebrew Mishpacha Succos Edition
The Best: Music Collection
A moving melody with powerful words, composed and sung by Noach Paley, featured on 'The Best' Music album in the Hebrew Mishpacha Succos Edition
Metro & Beyond
 Toms River shul's day in court notches a zoning wars victory
Yosef Herz
Metro & Beyond
Avi Schnall won, but the ultimate victor was the Ihr HaTorah’s obedience to daas Torah
Yosef Herz
Embrace New Beginnings: Letters for Elul Zeman
Letters of advice and uplift for the new Elul zeman
Mishpacha Contributors
Building Dreams
“So secretive,” she said. “Is this what you’ve been doing while I was away?”
Malka Grunhaus
Building Dreams
“This is our country. Or it would be ours if we could just get rid of the dumb Brits”
Malka Grunhaus
Take 2
All human beings crave connection but those connections don’t have to take place on muddy terrain
Mindy Rosenthal M.S., BCBA/LBA
Take 2
I’m having a really hard time forgiving her, and I’m too embarrassed to talk to her about the conversation I overheard
Mindy Rosenthal M.S., BCBA/LBA
More Musings

The kids have grown up and have developed more sophisticated tastes… along with the rest of the world

By Goldie Shulman


Slowing down? No, I tell myself, it’s just that the streets are in need of repair and it takes longer to avoid the potholes and uneven spots

By Shayna Gutke Poupko


I remember that my husband mentioned something about fiddling with my phone yesterday. I should have taken him more seriously

By Emunah Stein


Will my own issues forever get in the way of what I dream to be, inadvertently hurting those I seek to help?

By Adina Cahan


The blanket may have been done, but that was far too much yarn to throw away

By Musia Slavin


Is that how it’s going to be now? Life divided into before and after?

By Mindel Kassorla