Latest Musings
Chashie Stern
Sarah Moses Spero
Rebecca (Feldbaum) Steier
Chashie Stern
D. Wolo
Minhag Match-up
          “Your task is to write a poem. The title is: A Thing of Beauty” T he day was unseasonably hot, my sixth graders unusually restless. Time was somehow ticking backward. Thirty minutes before the bell was due to ring, I’d had enough. The air itself felt tired. I rapped sharply on
Chanie Apfelbaum
Minhag Match-up
          “Your task is to write a poem. The title is: A Thing of Beauty” T he day was unseasonably hot, my sixth graders unusually restless. Time was somehow ticking backward. Thirty minutes before the bell was due to ring, I’d had enough. The air itself felt tired. I rapped sharply on
Chavi Feldman
News Feature
As selected hostages emerge from Gaza, joy mingles with dread
Avi Blum, ESQ and Binyamin Rose and Chananel Shapiro and Yaakov Lipszyc
News Feature
The Crown Heights riots, 30 years on
Yochonon Donn
Ask Rabbi Greenwald
You as parents might have to clarify in your own minds what the main points are that you want to convey
Rabbi Zecharya Greenwald
Ask Rabbi Greenwald
Your daughter wants to fit in; she also wants the comforts of a husband who will support her
Rabbi Zecharya Greenwald
Club Jr.
          “Your task is to write a poem. The title is: A Thing of Beauty” T he day was unseasonably hot, my sixth graders unusually restless. Time was somehow ticking backward. Thirty minutes before the bell was due to ring, I’d had enough. The air itself felt tired. I rapped sharply on
Jr. Contributors
Club Jr.
          “Your task is to write a poem. The title is: A Thing of Beauty” T he day was unseasonably hot, my sixth graders unusually restless. Time was somehow ticking backward. Thirty minutes before the bell was due to ring, I’d had enough. The air itself felt tired. I rapped sharply on
Jr. Contributors
Food that Packs
          “Your task is to write a poem. The title is: A Thing of Beauty” T he day was unseasonably hot, my sixth graders unusually restless. Time was somehow ticking backward. Thirty minutes before the bell was due to ring, I’d had enough. The air itself felt tired. I rapped sharply on
Rivky Kleiman
Food that Packs
          “Your task is to write a poem. The title is: A Thing of Beauty” T he day was unseasonably hot, my sixth graders unusually restless. Time was somehow ticking backward. Thirty minutes before the bell was due to ring, I’d had enough. The air itself felt tired. I rapped sharply on
Rivky Kleiman
More Musings

If someone asks me what I do all day, I tell them that finding every occasion I can to celebrate is becoming my full-time job

By Sarah Moses Spero


The torrent of tears raged on. They’d held a party without me?

By Peshie Needleman


If I flip out, as I sometimes, um, rarely, do, could it be that this was too close to home?

By Peshie Needleman


Surely, having returned the pouch to its owner, you will never see this pouch again

By Esty Heller


If there’s any time of the year you need to stay in a mentally sane cocoon, this is it!

By Rebecca (Feldbaum) Steier


But you were silent. Silent in your pain. Silent in your fear. Silent in your sorrow.

By Shiffy Grun