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Shoshana Friedman
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Mishpacha Contributors
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Mrs. Elana Moskowitz
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Mishpacha Contributors
Family Activities
Come one, come all, play one, play all! You can prepare these carnival booths for a Chanukah party, or do one activity each night at home with your family
Esti Vago
Family Activities
Bubbles + tie-dye equals a whole new level of fun and flair
Esti Vago
Pendulum: Succos Supplement 5784
The more we know about people, the more we know about the past. The more we know about the past, the better we are able to assess the present.
Rabbi Berel Wein
Pendulum: Succos Supplement 5784
“This shameful bill passed controversially in the Knesset, is responsible for many premature deaths in dangerously ill people who avoided medical treatment out of fear of the draconian regulations allowing their body to be dissected after death.”
Rabbi Eliyahu Gut
The Last Flask
And then they found it — the last flask, the small bottle that would enable them to start anew. 12 writers share the last flask that lit up their own lives rattle of hope
Family First Contributors
Top 5
In honor of Shavuos, my top five
Ahron Cohn
Top 5
"This historically themed but very relevant train adventure puts you in the shoes of a shtetl Yid seeking a shidduch!"
Ahron Cohn
A Better You
It’s possible to have a strong desire to achieve something, but to not have the motivation to get there
Family First Contributors
A Better You
As a healthy, functioning adult, the only approval you truly need is yours and Hashem’s
Family First Contributors
More Linked Supplement
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Now, in hindsight, I wonder about it. A shul that had a rebbetzin, and no official rav? But back then it seemed natural

By Shoshana Friedman

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Strip away the where-what-when-how of our lives, and you’ll often find that behind the trappings of our modern-day routines lies an ancestor whose life mission informs our own

By Mishpacha Contributors