Latest Light Years Away
Light Years Away
Ruti Kepler
Light Years Away
Ruti Kepler
Light Years Away
Ruti Kepler
Light Years Away
Ruti Kepler
Light Years Away
Ruti Kepler
Jr. Fiction
“A sock isn’t a woman,” Chanochi announces. “It can’t be an agunah.”   With Mount Meron looming outside their window, Yoeli and Leiky are doing their best to put together a decent supper of leftovers. Yoeli brushes olive oil and crushed garlic over the tail ends of the bread they ate with butter earlier. He
Bashie Lisker
Jr. Fiction
Mendy stalks toward me, hand outstretched. I shriek until Mommy comes onto the porch to see what’s going on
Ariella Schiller
The Gatekeeper's Daughter
Vasara sucks in her breath. She swivels in her office chair and closes her eyes. Her trip to Riga belongs to another era, relegated to a dusty corner of her brain, the door shut firmly after it
Esther Teichtal
The Gatekeeper's Daughter
She might always be that weird girl who has fallen from a distant star who doesn’t know half of the endless rules
Esther Teichtal
In Sights
Rav Aharon responded, “Is it possible to sit down while talking to Rav Moshe Feinstein?”
Rabbi Chaim Aryeh Zev Ginzberg
In Sights
Afterward, the Rosh Yeshivah quietly explained the reason for his determination not to use the machine
Rabbi Chaim Aryeh Zev Ginzberg
Elections 2024
Binyamin Rose's takes on an energized GOP
Binyamin Rose
Elections 2024
Kamala Harris, 5 things to know
Gedalia Guttentag
“Think over what? This sounds awesome! I’d love to be your assistant coach!” Rafi exclaimed
Ariella Stern
About one hour, a few X-rays, and one soda can later, Rafi was finally able to get some answers
Ariella Stern
More Light Years Away
Light Years Away

After that, she lost all sense of structure. All the boundaries fell away, all the definitions. Inside. Outside. Reality. Imagination. Time. Mind. Body.

By Ruti Kepler

Light Years Away

“Who knows?” Chaya had said lightly. “Maybe these old, retro tiles will come back into style”

By Ruti Kepler

Light Years Away

Oof! Why doesn’t she have any connections to wealthy donors? Doesn’t anybody have a philanthropic fund tucked away somewhere?

By Ruti Kepler

Light Years Away

At the family meeting that night, Yoeli had explained to them all that no, they couldn’t send out pictures of Tovi. That was off limits for Gedalya

By Ruti Kepler

Light Years Away

Batya is at her most annoying when she’s right. My parents had paid 30,000 shekels — about half a year’s worth of Abba’s salary

By Ruti Kepler

Light Years Away

“Harav Silver, forgive the intrusion, but couldn’t a conversation about a teddy bear wait until we’ve closed tonight’s issue?”

By Ruti Kepler