But then I thought of the pleasure the journey had given me, the sense of wonder at the world My father led an exceptionally busy life. He worked first as a general practitioner, and then later as a professor of dermatology, in addition to being very involved with shul matters. He’d sometimes say: What is
Stripped of my sophisticated boots, my secret is exposed. I can hear the rumors, spreading among the shadchanim with the rustling leaves
Once upon a time, my husband learned in kollel and we lived happily ever after most of the time, at least on days when the washing machine didn’t break and all of the kids went off to school in the morning and went to bed on time at night. Days when things didn’t go exactly
Since when did dry shoes become a higher priority than the sweet bliss of childhood?
The glass slippers of sheva brachos have long been replaced by sensible clogs My baby sister just got engaged, over a decade after I did. By now, I’ve long since relinquished my young-couple status. The way I see it, you’re no longer newlyweds once your kids outnumber you. I wouldn’t want to go back to