Latest LifeLines
C. Saphir
C. Saphir
C. Saphir
C. Saphir
C. Saphir
Down to a Science
It turns out that fireflies are way cooler than I ever imagined
Yael Zoldan
Down to a Science
To understand freckles, we need to learn a little bit about melanin
Yael Zoldan
What words can possibly fix loss? We speak in these situations because we feel uncomfortable not to
Binyomin Yudin 
in the pleasant afterglow of Yom Kippur we are happy to just sit in the moment with our mitzvos
Moshe Krakowski
The Day After
An expert panel featuring Rabbi Menachem Karmel, Rabbi Zvi Bender and Rabbi Ari Schonfeld, moderated by Rabbi Yossi Bensoussan WATCH / LISTEN TO THE PANEL HERE
Mishpacha Contributors
The Day After
An expert panel featuring Rabbi David Ozeri, Dr. Eli Shapiro, and Mrs. Aliza Feder, moderated by Mr. Alex Paskie WATCH / LISTEN TO THE PANEL HERE
Mishpacha Contributors
Man With a Pan
I love to cook, so pulling off a full Shabbos should be easy, right?
Rabbi Aharon Nikop
Man With a Pan
A true father-in-law/son-in-law bonding experience
Shia Klein and Zevi Berkovich
Teen Feature
Teens' insights on what works, what doesn’t, and how they find and create inspiration in daily life
Bashie Lisker
Teen Feature
We sat down with a few principals from various schools to hear about the ins and outs of their job
Bashie Lisker
More LifeLines

You probably know very little about the state of Utah. But if you’re a parent of an at-risk child, knowing about Utah may be crucial

By C. Saphir


I wasn’t excited about the prospect of going gluten-free, but it was less frightening than the prospect of chronic pain and progressive debilitation

By C. Saphir


When Yosef came home, my complaints would start. “I can’t take another minute of this! Here’s the baby. I haven’t sat down all day!”

By C. Saphir


in the 1950s — well before the baal teshuvah movement — my grandparents took the highly unpopular step of becoming frum. All for my Uncle Norman

By C. Saphir


Driving without a license is dangerous, but which teenage boy thinks he’s going to get caught? Invincibility, thy name is adolescence

By C. Saphir


When I was learning, I was a star. But when I got into a bad rut, not only was I into bad stuff, I’d bring other guys down with me

By C. Saphir