Latest Magazine Feature
Magazine Feature
Yisroel Besser
Magazine Feature
Yisroel Besser
Magazine Feature
C.S. Teitelbaum
Magazine Feature
Dovi Safier
Magazine Feature
Yonoson Rosenblum
On the House
“I... how often are you thinking of hosting events like these? I mean, they’re wonderful, and they do bring in business, it’s just... whatever”
Faigy Schonfeld
On the House
She had so many ideas, so much passion — and she was going to funnel it all into a random project that meant nothing to anybody
Faigy Schonfeld
Table Talk
Today, both parents and educators pursue special services. But costs can be astronomical, and the process confusing and frustrating. That’s where Leah Steinberg comes in.
Malky Lowinger
Theme Section: Open Secrets
So many of us carry secrets — some heavy, some light. Some that mean nothing, and some that change everything. Six writers tell stories of secrets kept, shared, and revealed
Family First Contributors
I read it for you
I’m an anxious person, so I keep a pillow stuffed with eight months’ worth of living expenses. It’s a little stiff , and the crinkly sound drives my wife crazy, but it helps me sleep better.
Rabbi Dovid Bashevkin
I read it for you
Each morning, Mr. Market knocks on the door and offers his stock at a different price.
Dovid Bashevkin
On My Shelf: Pesach Theme 5783
Writers share the backstory of the prized possession they’ll keep forever 
Rachel Bachrach
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Personal Accounts

The Lubavitcher Rebbe inspired untold numbers of people through his farbrengens, correspondence (he received more mail daily than anyone else in the US besides the president), and personal audiences. While there are many fascinating stories about gedolim from all circles, “we’re getting the real stories from the people they happened to,” says Yechiel Cagen, director

By Mishpacha Contributors

Magazine Feature

In the heart of Tel Aviv, Rav Mordechai Auerbach leads a community of baalei teshuvah out of a chassidic shul

By Yisrael A. Groweiss

Magazine Feature

On-site report from the Paris neighborhood where Sarah Halimi was killed by an Islamist radical

By Yisrael Yoskovitch

Magazine Feature

A secret diary. A fearless Nazi hunter. An unknown Jewish grandson. Robert Scott Kellner finally honors his grandfather’s deathbed wish

By Rachel Ginsberg

Magazine Feature

Famed mashgiach Rav Shlomo Carlebach retraces his life as a spiritual builder

By Eytan Kobre

Magazine Feature

Armed with shovels, grit, and an abiding trust in Tanach, Eilat Mazar unearthed King David’s palace

By Rachel Ginsberg