Latest Family Tempo
Tali Edelstein
Family Tempo
Esther Mandel
Ruthie Miller
Ilana Keilson
Family Tempo
Rachel Newton
Treeo Serial
How I’m going to stop the guys, I don’t know. I just know that if I don’t find out more, I definitely can’t do anything.
Rochel Samet
Treeo Serial
These men… Who knows where they’re going, how far, and if I can really keep up on my bike if they go too far
Rochel Samet
In the Nick of Time: Jr. Pesach Supplement 5782
Without my friends to distract me, I realized the pit in my stomach wasn’t only from overeating, it was also from unease
Chani Muller
In the Nick of Time: Jr. Pesach Supplement 5782
Dovid shook his head. “It’s not ready. We have to perfect the hermetic seal that attaches the bag to the mouth of the bread eater”
Penina Steinbruch
The Current: Israel vs. the World
As Israel faces its seventh month of fighting, diplomatic isolation raises a number of questions
Mishpacha Contributors
The Current: Israel vs. the World
“To understand how remarkable the accusations against Israel are, one needs to know about how other countries fight wars”
Eugene Kontorovich
There’s a direct line between what went on since the November elections, and the political violence that shook Washington, D.C. on January 6
Gedalia Guttentag
At the very moment when mankind is advanced enough to grapple with Artificial Intelligence, gene editing and quantum computing, we’re totally defenseless against a virus - except for a cloth over our face
Gedalia Guttentag
The police suspect arson — and I’m the only one who knows the truth I know who did it, see. And there’s bound to be a lot of questioning I’m hoping won’t trickle my way.   Tuesday, not-even-morning For the first two hours, it smells like a really good chunk of steak roasting on a
Mishpacha Readers
Finally someone is admitting that communal standards have been raised not by those who are wealthy, but those who are providing for the poor as if the ani were wealthy
Mishpacha Readers
More Family Tempo

I remember thinking, Why can’t this process be a little more like in America?

By Devora Heller

Family Tempo

My sister was my idol, my best friend, my second mother — and then she left

By Bracha Perel Davids


 “Why do you want to get married?” Well, I’ve compiled a list of reasons I’ve noticed a new trend among shadchanim, and that is that they’ve all become self-proclaimed dating coaches. Each seems determined not only to set me up, but also to delve into my subconscious and figure out why I’m still single. Hence the

By Rena Gold


“Ooh, you lucky duck, you. Wish I had the bank on my to-do list”

By Peshie Needleman


You feel her empathy and sadness, the curiosity and respect for your life experience and courage

By G. Weiser


I promised myself that when I’m a mommy, I won’t do what my mommy did

By Lea Pavel