Family First Inbox
“Having worked with hundreds of young women, I’ve seen over and over again that acceptance, love, and connection is key”
Family First Inbox
“It’s no surprise when a woman becomes her husband’s mashgiach — in essence, that was what she was taught to be”
Family First Inbox
“Wouldn’t you, as a parent, want to get some training to be able to do the best job that you can?”
Family First Inbox
“The powerful refrain of the “G-d of the 41st day” is an incredible way to change our mindset and remember Who is really in charge”
Family First Inbox
“There was the first family who took a singer with a one-man band. There has to be a first who stops this insanity, too!”
Family First Inbox
“There was a lot of pain, not suffering, since suffering is a choice”