Latest Every Moment Counts: Chanukah Theme 5783
Every Moment Counts: Chanukah Theme 5783
Mishpacha Contributors
Diplomatic Notes with Malcolm Hoenlein
As Iran dashes for the bomb, Israel may be preparing to act
Gedalia Guttentag
Diplomatic Notes with Malcolm Hoenlein
Any threat to the unity of Jerusalem under Jewish control is not something that Israel or world Jewry can yield to
Gedalia Guttentag
Corona Crisis
Coronavirus is worldwide — why is the US so badly hit? 
Omri Nahmias
Corona Crisis
A COVID-19 Primer: Your guide to life in a socially distanced reality
Aliza Rubenstein and Chava Ruderman
Can't I be a lady who lunches in her own house
Rechama Jaffa and Rivky Kleiman
Somebody, anybody, HELP! I’m newly married, and for some reason, you don’t get a how-to-cook guide along with a kallah bracelet. I need some lessons!
Rechama Jaffa and Rivky Kleiman
Deal or No Deal
You realize that your husband and the other sons-in-law were not invited
Deal or No Deal
Besides him needing to learn basic derech eretz for me, what will his wife say?
Jr. Feature
Pompeii is one of the most fascinating time capsules and important archaeological sites in the world
J.S. Wolin
Jr. Feature
Don’t want to work in any of the standard professions? No prob. This list has you covered. Or… maybe not!
Malka Winner
More Every Moment Counts: Chanukah Theme 5783
Every Moment Counts: Chanukah Theme 5783

As we prepare our wicks and count our candles, each day adding another level of light, do those numbers hold another special meaning for you? 

By Mishpacha Contributors