A tzaddik falls seven times and gets up. And that, my fellow ADHD sufferers, is really the key to overcoming ADHD
I feel the sharp fingernails of despair and frustration claw at me
If you are married to a person who has (or might have) ADHD, you might feel ignored and lonely in your relationship
I’d planned to do it. I really had. Every evening, I’d promised myself to sit down and do it. But something always distracted me
It made getting everything done so much easier. It was amazing. And it was awful The first thing I did after coming to terms with my diagnosis was fill my prescription for Concerta. To quote Charles Dickens, it was the best of times and the worst of times. It was as if I’d put glasses
A light bulb lit up in my mind. My daughter was exactly like me. If she had ADHD, did that mean I did, too?