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Faigy Markowitz
Akeida Moments
Tova Berger
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Esther Kurtz
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Avigayil Wein
Akeida Moments
Riki Goldstein
On Topic
On Purim, Esther Hamalkah reminds us of the strength that lies in silence
Esther Ilana Rabi
On Topic
What triggers and exacerbates self-consciousness — and how can you overcome it?
Miriam Bloch
Naming Myself
Most of us are given our Jewish names at birth. But sometimes, we gain our name later in life. 3 accounts
Rikki Silver
Naming Myself
Most of us are given our Jewish names at birth. But sometimes, we gain our name later in life. 3 accounts
Rochel Samet
Tales of Treeo
“A little extra work that’s terrorizing the welcome house!” Eli says hotly. Squizzle shrieks in agreement. “What’s Mr. Teichman going to say when he finds out?”
Bashie Lisker
Tales of Treeo
The glass has disappeared so cleanly, it looks like it was never there
Bashie Lisker
Staying the Course
Against the odds, I had done it. Not only done it, but done it well
Yossi Myers
Staying the Course
As foreign as some of the classes were, ultimately, the questions raised in every course brought me back to where I came from
Yossi Myers
The child, his stomach grumbling with hunger, his pekel light and empty, took the coins eagerly. Money! Kolbasov, Poland, 1890s. Avrome’le sat at the back of the cheder. He was always in the back; he didn’t have a tatte, and his mama didn’t have enough coins to give the melamed each week. He listened carefully.
Chef Suzie Gornish
The child, his stomach grumbling with hunger, his pekel light and empty, took the coins eagerly. Money! Kolbasov, Poland, 1890s. Avrome’le sat at the back of the cheder. He was always in the back; he didn’t have a tatte, and his mama didn’t have enough coins to give the melamed each week. He listened carefully.
Brynie Greisman
More Akeida Moments
Akeida Moments

I pick up my phone to call my mother. I stop. It’s Yom Tov tomorrow. Must I ruin it for everyone?

By Faigy Schonfeld

Akeida Moments

It’s so easy to tell Hashem, You can have my dolls and teddy bear. My Shabbos and kashrus. My elbows and knees… but my pearls, my tzniyus, my hair — that’s mine.

By Rochel (Grunewald) Samet

Akeida Moments

A small corner of my Gan Eden will feature a pile of Divine garbage, smelling of roses

By S.T. Agam

Akeida Moments

“Why do you think you lost?” one reporter asked. “Because the judge was on the boys’ side,”

By Cindy Scarr