Latest Adviceline
Rabbi Zev Leff
Family First Contributors
Bassi Gruen
Family First Contributors
Yosef Chaim
If your daughter’s torn, she should be speaking it out with her husband. The more the two of them learn to work things out on their own, the better off their marriage will be.   My daughter just called to ask my advice. She’s been married a few months, and she wants to know if
Shira Yehudit Djalilmand
Yosef Chaim
"What period in Jewish history would you like to go back in time to — and what would you do differently if you were there?!”
Shira Yehudit Djalilmand
Vance stressed Israel’s strategic value to America, as well as the fact that it is a genuine ally, and not just a client state
Yonoson Rosenblum
Can it be any wonder that so many Americans have lost faith in their democracy?
Yonoson Rosenblum
Bentzi and the Peacock Feathers
If your daughter’s torn, she should be speaking it out with her husband. The more the two of them learn to work things out on their own, the better off their marriage will be.   My daughter just called to ask my advice. She’s been married a few months, and she wants to know if
Shifra Glick
Bentzi and the Peacock Feathers
“Slow down. Let’s think logically. What exactly is suspicious here? Kids always like to look at animals”
Shifra Glick
Oasis in Time
As we return to the mundane, Havdalah reminds us to differentiate 
Mrs. Elana Moskowitz
Oasis in Time
Disconnected from dollars and cents, Shabbos is still the source of all profit
Mrs. Elana Moskowitz
World Travelers
Scotland seemed like a great choice — majestic castles, gorgeous scenery, charming culture, and numerous distilleries (where liquor is manufactured)
Rabbi Alport
World Travelers
After being cooped up at home for months due to Covid, we really wanted a change of scenery
Rabbi Alport
More Adviceline

Only to a person who has already left This World, to whom we are bidding a final farewell, we say ‘lech b’shalom,’ go with the perfection that you already attained

By Rabbi Zev Leff


Preparing for Yom Tov is a zechus that applies to the entire family

By Family First Contributors


We often confuse the celebrity and excitement of dating and engagement with the deeper human feelings that emerge in a relationship. My daughter has been meeting a nice boy for several weeks, and now it’s decision time. She keeps saying she can’t say yes, but she can’t say no. She is very torn. Some of

By Bassi Gruen


If your daughter’s torn, she should be speaking it out with her husband. The more the two of them learn to work things out on their own, the better off their marriage will be.

By Family First Contributors