Latest 5 out of 10
Under 18 Minutes
A single moment can make all the difference between chometz and matzah, between success and failure. They raced the clock — and beat it!
Shoshana Neumann
Under 18 Minutes
 A single moment can make all the difference between chometz and matzah, between success and failure. They raced the clock — and beat it!
Beth Perkel
Power Plays
The human drama fueling Israel’s election story
Mishpacha Staff
Power Plays
Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, Shas has stormed back, jumping from nine to 11 seats in the elections 
Gedalia Guttentag
If you ever read any book about love languages, my mother’s picture should be on the opening of the chapter on gift giving
Mattie Weinberg
Fighting for our baby’s every breath, we gained just as much as we gave
C. Saphir
Imperial Moment
The new president has a Day One pen – here’s how he’ll wield it
Rafael Hoffman
Imperial Moment
Israel's wish list for Trump
Binyamin Rose
Torah Thought
Torah leaders confronting the Enlightenment were forced to develop innovative and original approaches to preserving and transmitting the mesorah. Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch’s groundbreaking commentary on Chumash stands out.
Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff
More 5 out of 10
5 out of 10

N othing balances the perfect mixture of memories, stress, crumbs, and family bonding like a Pesach Chol Hamoed trip. Of course, there are certain places and activities that are a part of our mesorah, such as apple picking, Great Adventures, and the Bronx Zoo. But wherever you go on Chol Hamoed, there are always those

By Dovid Bashevkin

5 out of 10

R ecently, the most coveted piece of real estate for expressing Jewish identity has become the bumper of our cars. What are the institutions, ideas, and places that constitute our Jewishness? Look no further than the bumper in front of you.     Na Nach Looking for a party? An automobile with a Na Nach

By Rabbi Dovid Bashevkin

5 out of 10

A nyone who has been to a Jewish wedding is familiar with the dilemma. There are a lot of esteemed guests, but a limited number of kibbudim. How should one decide who is deserving of adulation and kavod? Thankfully, the Jewish community has discovered a solution — just invent new kibbudim. With more kavod to go

By Rabbi Dovid Bashevkin

5 out of 10

S   hul is for davening — mostly. But after the shiurim, at the Kiddush, and bein gavra l’gavra there are always a few individuals who use their time in shul to show off their intellectual prowess. So next time your conversation morphs into what feels like an advanced graduate seminar, there’s a good chance you’re

By Rabbi Dovid Bashevkin

5 out of 10

S   ometimes it feels like the only people who get recognition in shul are the rabbi, the chazzanim, and the president. Today we salute you, the unsung heroes of our shuls. Here are my top five unsung heroes of the synagogue:   Shul Security Chairman Standing outside of the entrance to many shuls is

By Rabbi Dovid Bashevkin

5 out of 10

T   hrough all of the vicissitudes of a great derashah, our readers were still behooved to add an additional five. After all, the epitome of a great drashah is one which juxtaposes great Torah ideas with even greater vocabulary words. My list had some lacunas, so here are another five:   Myriad When “thousands”

By Rabbi Dovid Bashevkin