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As the years pass, there are some numbers in our consciousness that stand out on their own. Eight accounts, from one to eight

By Rachel Bachrach

Magazine Feature
After repeated requests to serve as Shabbos goy, Danny Woodruff started to wonder: Why not make a business out of it?

By Yosef Herz

Magazine Feature
The Alsace vineland — ping-ponged between France and Germany for hundreds of years — is proof that a Yid says l’chayim no matter what comes his way  

By Riki Goldstein

Magazine Feature
Yosef Agiv, the oldest Jew to be born in Gaza City’s ancient Jewish community, remembered being expelled with his family before World War I

By Aharon Granevitch-Granot

Magazine Feature
Longtime mechanech Rabbi Leibish Lish learned through his own challenges about connecting with a child’s inner world

By Shmuel Botnick

Magazine Feature
Israeli citizens are redefining the meaning of the term, “Home Front”

By Ariella Schiller