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Magazine Feature
This year, on the fourth of Elul, Rav Avrohom Ausband gave his final, most powerful — albeit wordless — shmuess

By Shmuel Botnick

Magazine Feature
The Skulener Rebbe, Rav Yeshaya Yaakov Portugal ztz”l

By Yisroel Besser

Magazine Feature
The parents of murdered hostage Ori Danino radiate unbroken faith

By Achiya Bitan and Elana Moskowitz

Magazine Feature
Are our schools equipped to handle the struggles of brilliant children?

By Fruma Krakowski

Magazine Feature
He wasn't about to let a Do-Not-Travel warning upend his lifelong quest 

By Sandy Eller

Magazine Feature
For two Israelis, balloon sculpture goes far beyond dogs and swords

By Barbara Bensoussan