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A dorm-room shidduch gemach provides everything but the chemistry

By Yehuda Esral

Magazine Feature
“If Hashem loves me, why am I in pain?” A rebbe’s message from the Valley of Death to a struggling generation

By Refoel Pride

Magazine Feature
Children whose parents were killed in terror attacks find a circle of healing

By Ariella Schiller

Magazine Feature
Developed over decades, Iran’s strategy to arm its proxies to the teeth now threatens Israel with encirclement

By Kobi Borenstein

Magazine Feature
Is Israel on the brink of a three-front war? Voices from the forgotten front

By Yaakov Lipszyc

Magazine Feature
Right-wing media star Yinon Magal is the face of a back-to-tradition resurgence

By Gedalia Guttentag and Yaakov Lipszyc