Brother Knows Best: Rabbis Elie and Judah Mischel

How well do the MIschel brothers know each other?
Rabbi Elie Mischel is the rabbi of Congregation Suburban Torah in Livingston, New Jersey
My brother’s favorite song:
“L’maan Shemo” by Chaim David
Favorite food:
potato kugel and vanilla froyo
Biggest fear:
not having fish for Shabbos
How my brother unwinds:
He sits in his backyard, drinks arak, and talks to Hashem and Ora, his wife.
My brother’s greatest strength:
Judah connects deeply and in a real way with any person he meets.
When the going gets tough, my brother:
faces challenges with emunah and simchah.
My parents are proud of my brother because:
Judah is committed to chesed and ahavas Yisrael, even when it’s not convenient.
Best perk of being my brother:
Judah loves feeding my addiction to Rav Avraham Zvi Kluger seforim — he schleps books across the ocean for me — but I think this is more of a perk for me than for him.
My brother knows me so well that:
When I turned forty last year, a messenger arrived on my birthday with a delivery of forty Tofutti Cuties from Judah. It was a favorite parve treat of ours growing up, perfect for after Shabbos meat meals!
Rabbi Judah Mischel is the executive director of Camp HASC and a mashpiah with OU-NCSY. He lives in Ramat Beit Shemesh in Israel
My brother’s favorite song:
"Meshorer HaTeshuvah” by Shlomo Katz
Favorite food:
Butter Pecan Tofutti (which we call Better Pecan Tofutti)
Biggest fear:
driving to a chuppah where he is mesader kiddushin — without Waze.
How my brother unwinds:
Shoes and socks off, in his study reading thousand-page books about John Adams
My brother’s greatest strength:
Emotional intelligence, intellectual honesty, and authenticity in speaking openly about real life challenges and struggles.
When the going gets tough, my brother:
throws himself into learning and finds chizuk in limud haTorah
My parents are proud of my brother because:
Elie quit his successful job as a lawyer and became a full-time rabbi.
Best perk of being my brother:
Elie has the zechus of storing my daughters’ clothing orders and our Amazon boxes in his basement — until this summer when they plan to make Aliyah!
My brother knows me so well that:
When I stay at their home, there is strong coffee waiting for me, chalav Yisrael milk in the fridge, and a freezer full of ice cream ready to go.
(Originally featured in Mishpacha, Issue 854)
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