| Diary Serial |

Dream Summer: Chapter 12

OMG, Abby. My gallery is going to be so boring without you




"How many letters spell ‘sunscreen’?”

OMG, I wish that stuff wouldn’t smell so bad. I’m holding the spray can up in the air, attempting to spray you up before you dive into the pool headfirst. Yeah, you’re that excited.

You stop jumping and you count on your fingers.

“S, U, N, S, C, R, E, E, N. Nine letters spell sunscreen,” you decide.

By the time you’re done with all your intense calculations about Banana Boat, like if it’s one word or two, I’m also done getting all that spray on you. Gosh, I should’ve had you in my third-grade class. I would’ve asked you to study with me for every single spelling test.

I let you run. It’s our last day at the pool together, give a girl a little freedom.

Maybe your second-half counselor will let you get away with everything and you’ll remember me as the big, bad guy.

Not. Happening.

I need to stop thinking about this mystery person who is going to swoop in and pretend that I never existed.

Like, hi, I was here first.

The smell of that awful stuff is almost gone when you decide it’s time to hold it up in the air and press the cap till the bottle is empty. I need to take it away from you now, but your giggles are so cute, I almost don’t.

Second half is starting tomorrow. Very funny.

As if I could ever leave this place. Leave you.

Excerpted from Mishpacha Magazine. To view full version, SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE or LOG IN.

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