| Light Years Away |

Light Years Away: Chapter 18

“But what stories will we tell them? I don’t have any dramatic problems to talk about. Neither do you”




I wanted to meet Batya again today, but she was watching Avital, and it was pouring outside.

I called her at Dudi’s house.

“I could come over to you with Avital,” she offered. “Her stroller has a good rain cover, and I’m sure you have toys for kids her age in your house.”

We do have toys for kids her age, and a little girl her age, too — Chumi, who’d be happy to have a playmate. But I wasn’t sure Abba and Ima would be so happy about it.

I sidled into the kitchen, innocent as a kitten, and in my sweetest voice I said, “Ima?”

Ima, busy at the counter with her confections, turned around laughing. “You’re about to ask for something you’re not sure I’ll say yes to,” she said. “I know that nougat-cream voice.”

“Well, yes,” the nougat cream admitted. I added a vanilla-cake-pop smile. “You know Yaffa’le’s niece Batya, right?”

Ima nodded.

“So she wants to come over. She’s in sixth grade, too, but not in my school.”

“Yes, they’re a very nice family,” Ima said. “So what’s all this with the smile and the cute voice? I already know you’re friendly with Batya, you told me a long time ago.”

“It’s just that… she wants to bring…”

Ima was starting to look tense, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

“Tovi, just say it already. I have a mountain of work here. Who or what does Batya want to bring?”

“Um, Avital. She asked if she could bring Avital with her.” I took two steps back, afraid Ima would say no.

“Dudi’s Avital?”

“Yes. Batya babysits for her all the time.” Because you won’t let me do it. Because you don’t want me going to Dudi’s house.

Excerpted from Mishpacha Magazine. To view full version, SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE or LOG IN.

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