Best Rice Pudding

Best Rice Pudding
My mother made a version of this when I was growing up, and I made it all the time for my children when they were young. It’s the ultimate comfort food. Full of calcium and delicious flavor — a nutritious snack enjoyed by all. Top it with some cottage cheese for a light meal-in-one.
- 11⁄4 cup rice (I use jasmine rice)
- 11⁄3 cup water
- generous pinch of salt
- 5 cups milk
- 6 Tbsp sugar (more if you like it very sweet)
- 1 Tbsp vanilla sugar
- generous sprinkling of cinnamon (I use a lot)
Bring rice, water, and salt to a boil in a saucepan. Lower heat and cook for 10 minutes. Add milk. Bring to a boil again, with pot lid partially open to prevent the mixture from bubbling over. Stir occasionally to prevent sticking.
Lower heat and add sugars and cinnamon. Cook for about half an hour or until milk is absorbed and rice pudding is creamy. If desired, top with a little butter and mix in. Note: Jasmine is a long-grain rice that is fragrant, fluffy, and slightly sticky, so I find it the best choice for this dish. If you use brown rice, adjust the cooking time.
(Originally featured in Family Table, Issue 704)
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