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Top 5 Sukkos Posters


ou’ve built your succah, you’ve bought arba minim — but you’re still not done. Time to dust off your succah posters and take out your power stapler. No succah is complete without decorative posters.


The Scribble

Morah Chani has a lamination machine and she is not afraid to use it. No succah is complete without a laminated poster of your toddler’s art masterpiece. So what if the only thing that’s legible is your child’s name and a cloud of green marker — that’s part of the charm. Is it a succah? A lulav? A Granny Smith apple? Think of this as your Rorschach succah poster. You see what you want to see.

Rishonim Poster

Artistic renderings of Rishonim is a staple in many succahs. Just make sure you invite your scholarly uncle who will carefully point out to you which portraits are accurate and how the medallion the Rambam is wearing is really anachronistic. Thanks, Uncle Shmuel — can’t wait to read your 30-page article on this succah poster!

Ushpizin Poster

Without peeking, can you name the Ushpizin? There are seven, right? This poster has all the info you need — some versions even include the tefillah. Now all you need to figure out is why we didn’t invite Eliyahu.

Gedolim Taking Lulav and Esrog

Become an armchair posek as you squint at your gedolim poster to figure out if Rav Chaim’s esrog has a pitom. And, wait a minute, is that rebbe holding three lulavim?! Must be an inyan. Whether you’re looking at the details of the poster through a loupe or just enjoying the company of gedolim in your succah, this poster brightens any Succos experience.

Kosher & Passul Succahs

What would it be like if we had a double-decker succah? It might not be kosher, but think of the excitement. Or maybe the one on the donkey seems more interesting. Let you mind wander during Succos season as you contemplate life in a more exotic succah.

(Originally featured in Mishpacha, Issue 680)

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